we 9th March Year 1
Hi All,
In English for the next two weeks we will be continuing our unit on Recounts. By now you should have heard all about the flying frogs!
The text we are using as our stimulus is a book called ‘Tuesday’ by Robert Weisner. It is a very interesting book and if you get the chance look at it, do. Although there is very little text, there is a lot going on, on the pages and fingers crossed it will really excite the children, and motivate them in their writing.
In maths we will be focusing our attention on subtraction. We will be trying to be quicker and more confident with our number bonds to 20.
The children have been using a programme called ‘Purple Mash’ the site has lots of really good resources for all subjects. I am hoping to pass the logins to you at the phonics screening meetings on Friday.
In the afternoons the children will be continuing their work on megastructures and seasonal changes.
Repeat if you did not catch it - BREAKING NEWS
There is to be a change to the Reading Challenge, as the children have really embraced it this year. We are going to increase the number of house points to be awarded with the medal.
Reading Challenge – 14 days consecutive days reading in the reading record, 10 house points and a medal.
Tuesday 13th and Thursday 15th Parents’ Evenings
Friday 16th March – Phonics Screening meeting for parents 9am and 4.30pm
Friday 23rd Y2 Cake Sale
Wednesday 28th March School Disco 5 to 6pm infants and 6.30 to 7.30 juniors
Thursday 29th March school closes for Easter
Pupils return Monday 16th April
Holiday dates for 17 / 18 and 18/19 are on the website under INFORMATION FOR PARENTS
PE kits needed this week with names on the labels (don’t forget to check the pumps still fit!).
If you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
The Year 1 team
Challenge – Nobody came to me with this, so I will have it for another week.
5 House points to any child who tells me, (Mrs Cowell) what type of animal was baby Emma, who was rescued at Dublin airport last week in the snow?