Y1 Friday 19th July 2019– Looking Back & Forth

Y1 Friday 19th July 2019– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

This week we have had a wonderful transition week, creating many alien crafts and working together.

We have consolidated our learning of learning about the moon landing and Goostrey and beyond.

Our moon buggies are fantastically creative and a brilliant use of recycled materials.

What a lovely last full week we have had in Year 1!

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Constructing and painting our moon buggies

√ Looking closely at the Apollo 11 50th anniversary celebrations and information.

√ Hunting for ‘aliens’ at The Bongs.

√ Drawing the moon landing scene.

√ Learning about Nelson Mandela on ‘Mandela Day.

√ Making our alien crafts as part of transition week.


Family discussion questions:

  • What is your favourite memory of Year 1?
  • What are you most looking forward to in Year 2?


Looking forward:

Next week it is our final week together! We will be watching the Year 6 performance and their assembly.

We will be thinking about acts of love and kindness and exploring the acts we can complete to show we are.

We have our marble jar treat to enjoy too!

Homework in Year 1

There is no homework over the summer holiday!

Thank you again for your continued support during my first year at Goostrey. What a fantastic year we have had! I’ve enjoyed every minute!

Ms Cummins