Week Ending 9th December

What a wonderful week we have had!

During this last week we have had lots of great things happening. On Tuesday, we listened to Mrs Miles talking to us about what it was like for her growing up as a young girl in France at Christmas time. This was fascinating and as a class we are going to generate some questions for her when she rejoins us this Tuesday so that we can find out a little more! This should help us to think about different traditions and why Christmas is important to lots of people - both Christians and non-Christians alike.

We have been continuing to think about Christmas in our Literacy, where we have been writing formal and informal letters to Father Christmas. This has been a really wonderful topic that all the children have enjoyed. Their letters were so good that we have edited them and then we have written them up into our Golden Books as work we can truly be proud of. This week in our Literacy, we will be exploring a poem and story which has been written by Michael Morpurgo based on the Waitrose Christmas advert. There are lots of fun activities for both our English skills and Science, and it will be a lovely end to our festive themed writing before the holidays.

In maths, we are looking at telling the time, as well as learning how to approach mathematical problems that look different to the way we would normally see them.These problem solving activities will be looking back at all the different methods we have learned so far to help us to remember them.

In our science work, we are finishing off our topic with our end of topic quiz, as well as writing a letter in reply to Mr Newton to explain what our discoveries have been in our investigations. We have started to design our own investigative activities to help teach others about forces and magnets, which we will hopefully have a chance to try out for ourselves before Christmas.

In RE we will continue to think about why Jesus was such an important person to a lot of the Jewish people who were around at the time, and what characteristics he had. We will be thinking about the kinds of things we would aspire to have as a part of our own personalities, as well as finding out a bit more about some key events in Jesus' life that shaped who he was and has impacted on the life of Christians today.

Throughout this week we will be having our end of term quizes, so try your best to remember what we have learned this term but please remember that if you don't know an answer it is OK! Realising that we don't know an answer is the first step towards learning how to do it - it's all part of our learning journeys. 

Remember that this week, spellings will be handed out on Monday and will be tested the following Monday, rather than Friday as we will be having our big spelling quiz on Friday instead. Homework is still in for Wednesday for English and Thursday for Maths.


Enjoy your weekends and keep up the wonderful work, Year 3!

Miss Aspey