Y1 Friday 10th May 2019– Looking Back & Forth

Y1 Friday 10th May 2019– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

This week we have continued to look at the ‘Moon Dog’ book. We have used descriptive language when writing a letter to the man in the moon. In Maths we have drawn arrays to show ‘lots of’ as part of multiplication and identified doubles.

We have looked at aerial views in Geography; we have made a plan of our classroom using Lego and used this to help us to draw our own plan.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Writing a letter to the man on the moon as though we are the moon dog.

√ Investigating changes to our bean plants.

√ Doubling numbers in different ways.

√ Drawing and making arrays to solve ‘lots of’ questions.

√ Completing a timeline to show space travel in the past.

√ Using Lego to make a ‘birds eye’ view of our classroom.



Family discussion questions:

  • What is an aerial view?
  • Would you rather have 3 lots of 4 or 4+4+4? Why?
  • What do you think a moon buggy needs to have on it? Why?


Looking forward:

We will be looking at sharing as we begin to explore division in Maths. We will be editing and publishing our ‘Moon Dog’ work in English.

We will be exploring our school environment in Geography and asking questions to find out more information about past events relating to the moon landing.

Homework in Year 1

Spellings and handwriting (Set 10.5.19; Due 17.5.19)