Y1 Friday 10th September 2021

Y1 Friday 10th September 2021– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

Wow! What a wonderful first week in Year 1. I am so impressed with how all the class have settled into the new routines and took everything in their stride.

This week we have done some practical work in Maths based on number recognition, writing and counting.

In English we have used capital letters and full stops when writing captions about ourselves.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Counting and writing numbers in Maths.

√ Reading interesting books.

√ Making models with K’Nex.

√ Creating structures with Lego.

√ First piece of writing in Year 1 using capital letters and full stops.

√ Recapping Phase 3 sounds in phonics and using our ‘chopping arms’ to sound out the words before blending to read them.

√ Finding space and making shapes in PE.

√ Zumba dancing.

√ Drawing our ‘all about me’ jigsaw pieces.

√ Matching pictures and captions.

√ Learning new routines in Year 1

√ Listening to stories.

√ Discussing what ‘respect’ means to us.

√ Saying hello and goodbye in French.

√ Using the book Elmer to help us to recognise everyone has differences and how we would welcome people into our class.

Family discussion questions:

  • Can you remember the sounds: ‘ear’, air’ and ‘ure’?
  • What numbers comes after 8?
  • What number comes before 15?

Looking forward:

Next week we will be looking at labels, lists and captions; using Not a Stick book to stimulate our writing.

In Maths we will be sorting and counting objects.

Alongside this, we will find out what we know about Polar Places and animals before starting our Science topic and what we know about Captain Scott and Antarctica before beginning our History and Geography topic for exhibition.

We will think about what explorer would need in his backpack whilst exploring Antarctica and learn about online safety.


Reading books should be brought into school each Thursday so they can be changed overnight. They will be given back each Friday.

Please continue to read every night as this underpins so much learning in Year 1. For every consecutive 14 days of reading the children will receive 10 house points and see their face on the ‘Reading Challenge Wall of Fame’- If this could be recorded in reading diaries so I can track their progress (They will automatically get a read for Thursday night when I keep the books).

Drop in parent’s information evening Wednesday 15th September 17:30-18:30pm- alternatively, please email me with any queries.

Thanks for your support

Ms Cummins