Y1 Friday 11th October 2019– Looking Back & Forth

Y1 Friday 11th October 2019– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

This week we have finished writing our story of Laika the astronaut dog and written a recount of the moon landing. Alongside this, we have done lots of Art and DT for the exhibition.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Writing about what happened during the moon landing.

√ Adding more features to our moon buggies.

√ Designing, painting and decorating space rockets.

√ Finishing our Laika the astronaut stories.

√ Using our balance and movement skills in PE.

√ Practising our exhibition performance pieces.

Family discussion questions:

  • What was the name of the rocket that launched from the Kennedy Space Centre?
  • What was the date of the start of the Apollo 11 Mission?
  • What was the name of the lunar module that landed on the moon? Neil Armstrong said… ‘The ____________ has landed’

Looking forward:

Next week we will be publishing our work ready for the exhibition and practising our performances. Alongside this we will be looking more closely at the events of the Space Race and NASA’s inventions since the moon landing.

Homework in Year 1

Homework – Spelling and handwriting (Set 11.10.19; Due 18.10.19)


Year 1 exhibition performance in the Junior Playground Wednesday 23rd October at 2.55pm.

Show and tell 4 week rota as below then to continue in this order throughout the year.

Mallory- 11.10.19

Lovell- 18.10.19


Garner- 15.11.19

Thanks for your support

Ms Cummins