Y1 Friday 13th December 2019– Looking Back & Forth

Y1 Friday 13th December 2019– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

We have published our non-chronological report about a monster family.

In Maths, we have looked at different methods to use when solving subtraction questions.

In Science, we investigated the best materials to use to make a musical instrument and looked at what musical instruments are made from and the sounds they make.

We have begun to make our Christmas cards which we are sure you will love.

I am so proud of how everyone performed in our Nativity this week! It was a pleasure to be a part of it!

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Making our Christmas cards.

√ Publishing our non-chronological report.

√ Showing our super spellings during our spelling test.

√ Testing materials to see which would materials make the best instruments and playing instruments to hear the sounds they made.

√ Performing the Nativity for our families.

√ Using different methods to solve subtraction questions.


Family discussion questions:

  • If I have 10 sweets, I eat 4. How many will I have left? Work this out by drawing and crossing out.
  • Which material would not be used to make a musical instrument? Why?
  • Can you spot two human features and two physical features over the weekend?

Looking forward:

We will be consolidating this terms learning in Maths.

In Science, we will be looking at vegetables associated with Christmas and sorting them based on whether they have roots, seeds, flowers or leaves. We will also be making a Christingle and looking at the candle flame through materials to decide if translucent, transparent or opaque are best to see light through.

We will continue to use our Art and DT skills to make Christmas cards and moving pictures.

Homework in Year 1

Homework – there will be no spellings or handwriting homework given until Friday 10th January. I have sent the children home with some ‘fun’ homework should they choose to do it. J


Christmas Shop is continuing on Monday 16th December.

Christmas Dinner day Thursday 19th December.

Show and tell 4 week rota as below then to continue in this order throughout the year.

Lovell- 29.11.19


Garner- 13.12.19

Mallory- 20.12.19

Thanks for your support

Ms Cummins