Y1 Friday 14th July 2023

Y1 Friday 14th July 2023– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

The children really enjoyed their session in Year 2 with Mrs Freeman.

We have welcomed Reception into our class (in small groups) and Year 1 have relished when showing them what Year 1 entails.

In Maths, we have ordered events, looked at days, months and dates and time to the hour and half an hour.

In Geography, we have consolidated our learning by taking part in a quiz.

In Science, we have written about the impact sea pollution has on sea shore animals.

In Computing, we have continued to practise our mouse pad skills.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Ordering events using time related language (before, after, morning, afternoon, evening, first, then and now).

√ Understanding the order of days and months of the year.

√ Telling the time to the hour.

√ Printing in D&T and Art.

√ Writing a poster about the impact of pollution on sea shore animals.

√ Learning archery skills in PE.

√ Weaving using ribbons before making a woven fish out of paper in Art.

√ Colouring Rangoli patterns in RE.

Family discussion questions:

  • What day comes before Tuesday? What day comes after Friday?
  • What month were you born in? What month comes before and after?
  • What are you most looking forward to about Year2?

Looking forward:

Next week, we will be watching the Year 6 production and taking part in a Music Workshop with Mrs Hext. We will be completing some art work and participating in a forest school morning with Year 2.

We will also be having our final marble jar treat!




  • Forest School Day Thursday 20th July- please wear appropriate clothes and shoes for a day outside (we may get dirty)



If you have any questions please ask.

Thanks again for your continued support.

Kind regards and take care

Ms Cummins