Y1 Friday 14th June 2019– Looking Back & Forth


Y1 Friday 14th June 2019– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

This week we have looked at imperative verbs and followed instructions to make jam sandwiches. In Maths we have partitioned and ordered two digit numbers to 100.

We have looked at human and physical features of our locality of Goostrey and our school grounds

In Science we have identified trees by their leaves and learnt which are deciduous and evergreen.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Making Father’s Day cards.

√ Using <> symbols when comparing numbers.

√ Doing Zumba for our marble jar treat.

√ Impressing Mrs Saxton with our fantastic phonics skills.

√ Following instructions to make jam sandwiches (we loved them!)

√  Hunting for leaves and identifying trees.

Family discussion questions:

  • What is a deciduous tree? What is an evergreen tree?
  • What numbers are less than 75 and greater than 56?
  • What human features are in Goostrey? What physical features are in our school grounds?

Looking forward:

Next week we will be writing instructions in English and continuing to look at place value in Maths. We will be exploring artwork; looking at the techniques used and the feelings and thoughts it provokes.

Homework in Year 1

Spellings/ handwriting and maths sheet (ordering numbers) (Set 14.6.19; Due 21.6.19)

What a week! Everyone has worked incredibly hard this week- We are so proud!!

Thank you again for your continued support.

Ms Cummins