Y1 Friday 14th June 2024– Looking Back & Forth

Y1 Friday 14th June 2024– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

I am super proud of Year 1- they have worked so hard when reading real and fake words this week!

In English, we have read phoneme spotters and sorted words based on their sound.

In Maths, we have recognised and found quarter of shapes and quantities.

In Science and Geography, we have sorted clothes that we would wear in summer or winter based on their materials and identified those we could wear in both seasons and why.

In Geography, we have identified the human and physical features of our school grounds and used this information to help us to write a letter to our twin school Elizabethfontein.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Finding phonemes in phoneme spotters.

√ Reading text as a class and answering retrieval and inference questions based on what we have read.

√ Recognised and found quarter of shapes and quantities.

√ Taking part in running races, beanbag throwing and jumping hurdles ready for Sports Day in PE.

√ Identifying human and physical features found in our school grounds.

√ Writing a letter to Elizabethfontein to tell them what our school is like.

√ Beginning our RE unit about Hinduism.

√ Sorting clothes we would wear in summer or winter based on their materials.

√ Doing brilliantly when reading our real and fake words.


Family discussion questions:

  • What does the word mysterious mean?
  • Will you say 68 when counting backwards from 100 to 70?
  • Are there any clothes you might wear in both winter and summer?

Looking forward:

In English, we will be looking at speech within text and joining sentences with different types of conjunctions before exploring the features of the text.

In Maths, we will begin our place value to 100 unit. We will be counting to 100, using a number line and partitioning numbers by tens and ones.

In Science, we will be identifying and classifying sea shore animals.

In Art and D&T, we will be exploring African prints and using these to inspire our designs before using the skill of printing to bring them to life.




  • Free dress down day on Wednesday for sweet donations for Cup-U-Like for July Evening.


  • Blue Planet Aquarium trip Tuesday 25th


  • Village Walk Tuesday 2nd July. Thank you to everyone that has volunteered to help- we are so thankful.


  • Our 14 day Reading Challenge has started again, so please write each time your child reads so they can earn 10 house points for their 14 consecutive reads. I will change books overnight on a Thursday


  • I have sent home spellings and phonics homework. From next week, I will be setting maths homework from next week, ready for Year 2.



  • PE this half term is Friday- please wear PE kits on this day.


If you have any questions please ask.

Thanks again for your continued support.

Kind regards and take care

Mrs Carew