Y1 Friday 16th October 2020– Looking Back & Forth

Y1 Friday 16th October 2020– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

What a week in Year 1- brilliant effort and learning by all!

In Maths we have compared objects and numbers. We have continued to show our understanding through ‘Ms Cummins Challenges’.

In English we have been inspired by the book ‘Major Glad, Major Dizzy’ and written list poems about toys found under the floorboards. We have begun to explore present and past tense verbs ready for next week’s writing.

In Science we have collected data in a tally chart and recorded the results in a pictogram. In History we have enjoyed reading your letters about toys and compared old and new toys.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Shared whole class reading about Albert’s Discovery.

√ Using <> and = symbols to compare objects.

√ Comparing old and new toys in History.

√ Moving in different ways and staying on our feet in PE.

√ Collecting data about the eye colour of our friends on our table and showing in a pictogram.

√ Learning to read and write different CVCC words (EG- damp, tent ..)

√ Writing a list poem about toys under the floorboards.

Family discussion questions:

  • 3 is greater than 4. Is this true or false? Why?
  • What are the main differences between old and new toys?
  • Should the word ‘ben’ have a capital letter? Why?

Looking forward:

Next week we will be looking Albert’s adventure and writing a simple retell of the story.

In Maths we will be ordering numbers.

In History we will order toys based on if they are our toys, our parents or our grandparents. In Science we will be putting our senses to the test during our ‘Senses Stations’ afternoons.


Book change on Thursday.

Please continue to read every night and practise the sound cards. If this could be recorded in reading diaries so I can track progress for our 14 day Reading Challenge.

Thank you so much for the letters from you and Grandparents. We have learnt so much from them!

If you have any questions please ask

Thank you for your continued support

Ms Cummins