Y1 Friday 18th June 2021

Y1 Friday 18th June 2021– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

We have had a lovely week in Year 1!

In English we have planned and written letters from the perspective of Hermelin to a character in the book.

In Maths we have compared and ordered numbers and begun to use <> and = symbols.

In Science we have learnt and written a fact file about summer.

In Geography we have identified human and physical features within our schools and used this information to inform our letter to our twin school Elizabethfontein.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Comparing numbers that are greater than and less than.

√ Using the <> = to show our understanding when comparing numbers.

√ Planning and writing our letters based on our favourite character from the perspective of Hermelin.

√ Writing a fact file about summer.

√ Identifying what parts of our school grounds are human and physical features.

√ /using our geography knowledge to write a letter to Elizabethfontein about our school grounds.

√ Thinking about what clothes we would wear in summer and winter.

√ Reading and sorting words with alternative ‘ue’ and ‘ow’ sounds.

√ Obstacle races in PE.

√ playing xylophones in Music to show rhythm.

√ Playing split digraph bingo.

 √ Looking at the Qu’ran in RE

√ Repeating and saying ice cream flavours in French.

Family discussion questions:

  • Order these numbers biggest to smallest- 34, 43, 51, 15
  • What human and physical features do we have on both the Infant and Junior site?
  • Can you think of 5 adjectives to describe a flower?

Looking forward:

Next week we will begin using ‘Where The Wild Things Are’ to inspire our writing.

In Maths we will find one more and one less than numbers to 100 before beginning to look at money.

In Art and D&T we will begin to look at African designs and use potatoes to print repeated patterns.

In Science we will be identifying seashore animals and their features.


PE kits are only to be worn on Friday’s for this half term- normal school uniform every Tuesday please.

  • Spelling homework was sent home Friday 18th June. Handwriting is based on the letter we have practised in school and the spellings are based on what sounds we have looked at in school and may include High Frequency Words (HFW) or Common Exception Words (CEW) from the Year 1 spelling list. I will send 3 or 7 spellings home and the children will be tested informally on a Friday morning. This is nothing to worry about and gives children experience of homework before Year 2. I have sent two phoneme spotters as an alternative to handwriting this week- read and highlight the words with the specific sound(s). HOMEWORK DUE FRIDAY 25th
  • Maths homework is now being sent home and DUE in FRIDAY 25th June- this is based on work we have covered in class. If this can be completed as independently as possible.
  • Reading is so vital as it underpins all aspects of learning. This is why reading every night is extremely important. Our 14 day Reading Challenge is continuing after, please write each time your child reads so they can earn 10 house points for their 14 consecutive reads. I will change books overnight on a Thursday as usual.
  • Please look at 100 HFW that Year 1 should be able to read (most are straight forward).

If you have any questions please ask.

Thanks again for your continued support.

Kind regards and take care

Ms Cummins