Y1 Friday 18th October 2024– Looking Back & Forth

Y1 Friday 18th October 2024– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

Super learning and independence in Year 1 this week!

In English we have written sentences using sounds from our phonics and sorted sounds into groups.

In Maths we have compared numbers and ordered objects on numbers using the language of greatest and smallest.

In Computing we have used the mousepad to control our curser when using a painting programme and used the internet safely

We have published more work ready for exhibition and we cannot wait for you to see it!

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Continuing to use our chopping arms to read and write words using phoneme from Phase 3.

√ Comparing weather in the seasons.

√ Ordering numbers based on their value.

√ Comparing numbers and objects in Maths using <>= symbols.

√ Controlling the mousepad on the laptop to navigate Purple Mash.

√ Using colouring pencils and watercolours to create art work for our exhibition.

√ Practising singing for exhibition.

√ Layering collage materials to create textures.

√ Dribbling and passing in PE.

√ Using ‘happy breathing’ to help our Team H-A-P during My Happy Mind in PHSE.

√ Repeating and saying colours and numbers in French.

√ Using our bodies to make sounds in Music.

Family discussion questions:

  • What is Frida Kahlo famous for?
  • If a word has ‘oo’ in it, what 2 sounds could it be? How will you know which is right?
  • Oder these numbers greatest to smallest- 6,9,0

Looking forward:

Next week we will finish our place value unit in Maths.

We will be doing quizzes to consolidate our Maths and Science learning.

We will be enjoying a whole school assembly with Hafiz Saleem and the Fire Service related to our exhibition theme ‘Heroes and Leaders’. We are so excited to see our work at the exhibition.


On Wednesday 23rd October and Thursday 24th October from 2pm to 6pm the exhibition will be in the School Hall. We will be singing at 2.30pm on the Junior Playground each day- please join us if you can.


Book change on Thursday- please ensure books are in school so these can be changed overnight.

Please continue to read every night. If this could be recorded in reading diaries so I can track progress for our 14 day Reading Challenge.

Just to clarify- Reading challenges are counted up every Thursday during book change and then awarded on Friday (backdated if awarded before that). We celebrate this achievement as a class all together.


Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th December 9:30am.


Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Carew