Y1 Friday 18th September 2020– Looking Back & Forth

Y1 Friday 18th September 2020– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

What a wonderful week we have had in Year 1.

In Maths we have been showing what we have retained about counting, number recognition and number formation.

In English we have look at the book ‘Not a stick’. We have made guesses about what the stick is because it is ‘not a stick’. We collected sticks and designed objects, made them and matched labels to pictures from the story.

We have painted pictures that showcase the children’s interests or favourite things and written captions for display. Amongst many other things…

Once again the children have tried really hard and settling into the new routines of Year 1 well.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Using our ‘chopping arms’ to help us to segment words when writing and reading them.

√ Counting, recognising, writing and sequencing numbers.

√ Painting our favourite things for our first class display.

√ Making our ‘not a stick’ objects based on our designs.

√ Matching labels and captions to pictures from ‘Not a stick’ book.

√ Team games in PE.

√ Zumba with Ms Cummins.

Family discussion questions:

  • Can you write a caption about an object from ‘Not a Stick’?
  • What number comes in the middle of this sequence? 4, __  ,___ 7 ,8, 9 ___
  • What number comes in the middle of this sequence?  11, __, ___, 8, 7, 6 ___

Looking forward:

Next week we will continue writing labels, lists and captions; using Not a Stick book to stimulate our writing.

In Maths we will extend our knowledge of sorting and counting in objects.

We will begin to explore our bodies in Science and begin our journey collage for our Goostrey train station display.

Thanks for your support

Ms Cummins