Y1 Friday 20th September 2019– Looking Back & Forth

Y1 Friday 20th September 2019– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

This week we have looked at ‘Dangerous’ about a mole that labels everything. We have written labels about animals and used adjectives to describe them.

In Maths, we have looked at numbers and different ways to represent them. We have begun to problem solve and reason too.

We have begun to construct our moon buggies and create collages for the exhibition.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Handwriting practice.

√ Constructing our moon buggies.

√ Working hard.

√ Showing numbers in different ways.

√ Being sound spotters and phonics ninjas.

√ Exploring our class book ‘Dangerous’.

√ Looking at non-fiction books related to the moon landing.

√ Filling our marble jar and having our marble jar treat.

Family discussion questions:

  • What parts of the body do you use to jump?
  • How many ways can you represent 10?
  • Can you use adjectives to describe?

Looking forward:

Next week we will be using ‘Dangerous’ to write about our friends and why we care about them. We will continue to look at how we use our body in Science. We will look at space exploration as part of our History topic and continue to create collages for our exhibition work.

Homework in Year 1

Homework – Spelling and handwriting (Set 20.9.19; Due 27.9.19)

If you have any materials for the bug hotel, please send them in.


MOSI trip letters sent out- trip is Friday 4th October (arrival back to school 4pm)

Show and tell 4 week rota as below then to continue in this order throughout the year.

Mallory- 13.9.19

Lovell- 20.9.19


Garner- 4.10.19


Thanks for your support

Ms Cummins