Y1 Friday 24th May 2019– Looking Back & Forth


Y1 Friday 24th May 2019– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

This week we have read and written poems with repeated patterns. In Maths we consolidated our learning of ‘lots of’ and sharing.

We thoroughly enjoyed our village walk and identifying human and physical features within our location.

In Science we have continued to observe the growth and changes to our plants and herbs.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Walking around the village and identifying the different features it has.

√ Drawing our route map around the village.

√ Writing our repeated ‘magic box’ poems including adjectives and numbers as words.

√ Transferring out bean plants into the school raised beds.

√ Measuring the length of our bean plants and looking at how they have grown.

√ Halving shapes through folding.

√ Doubling and halving amounts.

Family discussion questions:

  • What landmarks did you see on our village walk?
  • What is half of 16? How can you work this out?
  • What are all the split diagraph sounds?

Looking forward:

Next term we will consolidate our learning of phonics ready for phonics screen. In Maths we will be looking at position and direction.

We will continue to look at the moon landing and Neil Armstrong in History.

Homework in Year 1

Real and fake word reading (Set 24.5.19; Due 7.6.19)


Recycling- If you have any ‘junk’ you can send in for our moon buggy models it would be greatly appreciated.

EG- egg boxes, juice cartons, milk cartons, cardboard tubes, boxes etc…

Phonics Activity Booklet- This booklet was made in mind to give the children fun activities to complete with a phonics focus.

Have a lovely half term break and thank you again for your continued support.

Ms Cummins