Y1 Friday 24th May 2024– Looking Back & Forth
Y1 Friday 24th May 2024– Looking Back & Forth
Looking back:
What a fantastic half term we have had!
In English, we have written our own ‘portal narrative’ story.
In Maths and Science, we have consolidated our learning through a quiz.
In Science we sorted animals into groups based on their characteristic and went bird spotting, showing the results into a pictogram.
In D&T, we have made sandwiches following our design then evaluated them based on what we liked and what we would change.
We enjoyed another half termly marble jar treat this afternoon to celebrate all of our hard work!
Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:
√ Writing our ‘portal’ narrative based on ‘Where the Wild Things are’.
√ Making sandwiches based on our designs- using skills such as, cutting, spreading, grating and peeling.
√ Evaluating our sandwiches, after we ate them, to decide what we liked and what we would change about them.
√ Seeing the Year 2 and Junior band concert.
√ Watching the exciting owl assembly.
√ Completing quizzes for Science and Maths to show our learning this half term.
√ Playing dodgeball in PE.
√ Learning about the Torah and a Synagogue as a part of the Jewish religion in RE.
Family discussion questions:
- What happened in your ‘portal’ story?
- Can you correct my spellings? ‘woz’, ‘spake’ and ‘flieing’
- If there are 20 sweets shared by 2 children, how many will each child have? How can you work this out?
Looking forward:
After half term, in English, we will begin to use the book ‘The Secret of Black Rock’ to inspire our writing.
In Maths, we will learn about fractions of shapes and amounts (half and quarter) before moving onto Place Value up to 100
In Science, we will be exploring our topic related to ‘holiday’ linked to seashore animals, weather and pollution.
In Geography, we will compare our school grounds to our twin school Elizabethfontein before exploring our village and identifying features.
In Art and D&T, we will be designing and creating African designs through printing…. And much more!
- Blue Planet Aquarian trip on Tuesday 26th
- Village walk Tuesday 2nd July- thank you for everyone who has volunteered to help us.
- Our 14 day Reading Challenge has started again, so please write each time your child reads so they can earn 10 house points for their 14 consecutive reads. I will change books overnight on a Thursday
- PE this half term is Friday- please wear PE kits on this day.
If you have any questions please ask.
Thanks again for your continued support .
Have a lovely half term holiday.
Kind regards and take care
Mrs Carew