Y1 Friday 24th September 2021

Y1 Friday 24th September 2021– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

Wow what a great week we have had- lots more independence and super work!

In Maths we have represented objects and numbers in different ways and begun to think carefully about ’the why’ when answering problems

In English we have used the book ‘Dangerous’ as inspiration for our writing. We have identified appropriate labels for given pictures and begun to think carefully about adjectives we could use to make our simple sentences more exciting.

In Science we have sorted animals into groups based on what they eat using the terms ‘Herbivores, Omnivores and Carnivores’. We have used these to help us identify which groups polar animals would fit into.

In Geography we have learnt about the North Pole, South Pole and Equator and identified these on a map of the world.

Once again, great effort from all the children and we are very close to gaining our first marble jar treat!

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Counting and representing objects and numbers in different ways.

√ Writing and identifying adjectives.

√ Identifying what animals eat and sorting into groups- Herbivores, Omnivores and Carnivores.

√ Continuing to revisit Phase 3 sounds and using ‘dots and dots’ to identify sounds (dots for a single letter and dashes for 2 letters that make one sound).

√ Covering our bottles ready for painting for the exhibition

√ Learning about the features inside a church in RE.

√ Repeating and saying numbers to 10 in French.

√ Learning the North Pole, South Pole and Equator and identifying these on a map of the world.

√ Reading information about polar animals and sorting them into groups based on what they eat.

√ Creating cold colour tile collages using materials of different textures.

√ Building on our spatial awareness and balancing skills in PE.

Family discussion questions:

  • What is the purpose of a label?
  • What order should these numbers be in? Why? 11, 9, 2, 15
  • Where is the South Pole? What is the Equator?

Looking forward:

Next week we will continue to use the book ‘Dangerous’ as inspiration to write adjectives and captions about our friends.

In Maths we will be counting forwards and backwards before extending this skill to finding one more and one less.

In History we will learn about the events of Captain Scott’s Terra Nova Expedition and correctly order them on a time line.

In Computing we will learn about staying safe online.


Book change on Thursday- please ensure books are in school on this day so I change them overnight.

Please continue to read every night, books from school and any books from home or other reading materials- If this could be recorded in reading diaries so I can track progress for our 14 day Reading Challenge.

If you have any questions please ask

Thank you for your continued support

Ms Cummins