Y1 Friday 25th September 2020– Looking Back & Forth

Y1 Friday 25th September 2020– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

Another great week in Year 1.

In Maths we have been sorting objects into different groups based on how they look and counting objects by counting in ones and counting on.

In English we have continued to use ‘Not a stick’ to inspire our writing. We have learnt about adjectives and used these when writing captions.

In Science we have begun to explore the different parts of the human body and in Art we have begun to make a collage for display at the train station.

Once again, the children have tried really hard and settling into the new routines of Year 1 well.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Counting objects in Maths.

√ Recognising and naming body parts in Science.

√ Segmenting words to hear each sound before spelling it in Phonics.

√ Matching labels and captions to pictures by reading them.

√ Reading

√ Writing captions including adjectives in English.

√ Starting our journey collage for the train station.

√ Team games including accurate movements and finding space.

√ Using the tablets to secure our counting and sequencing skills.

√ Saying numbers in French.

v Reading Elmer as a part of PHSE and thinking about our differences and how to treat others

Family discussion questions:

  • What adjectives can you think of to describe a dog?
  • If you count from 8 to 12. Will you say the number 7? Why?
  • I count 10, 9, 7, 6, 5, 4. Am I right? Why?

Looking forward:

Next week we will be looking at the book ‘Dangerous’, continuing to write captions including adjectives and thinking about our friendships.

In Maths we will continue counting and begin look at representing numbers in different ways.

We will start our ‘Tremendous Toys’ topic in history and continue looking at our bodies in Science.


Book change on Thursday.

Please continue to read every night and practise the sound cards.

Thanks for your continued support

Ms Cummins