Y1 Friday 26th April 2019– Looking Back & Forth

Y1 Friday 26th April 2019– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

This week we have been reading, performing and writing humorous poems including alliteration. We have identified and mad equal groups in Maths.

We have explored our environment by looking at the features of our school grounds and tended to our raised beds ready for us to do our planting later in the term.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Digging and weeding the flower beds.

√ Writing and performing our humorous poems.

√ Identifying and sorting verbs and nouns.

√ Completing phoneme spotters and games.

√ Learning about alliteration and listing verbs and nouns with the same initial sounds.

√ Making and identifying equal groups.

√ Beginning to think about the features needed for a moon buggy.

Family discussion questions:

  • Where do we live? What buildings / landmarks are near where you live?
  • Do you have any plants or flowers in your garden? Do you know their names?
  • What is a verb? What is a noun? When do you need to use a capital letter?


Looking forward:

We will be looking at multiplication adding equal groups (repeated addition) in Maths. We will be writing and reading familiar stories in English.

We will begin looking at where we live in Geography and the moon landing in History.

Homework in Year 1

Spellings and handwriting (Set 26.4.19; Due 3.5.19)