Y1 Friday 28th June 2019– Looking Back & Forth


Y1 Friday 28th June 2019– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

This week we made astronaut food and wrote instructions for how to make it. In Maths we have identified coins and notes and made amounts.

We have looked at the parts of a tree in Science and practised running and team skills in PE.

Yesterday was ECO Day and we looked at the impact of plastic on the environment and how we can help by recycling.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Identifying money.

√ Practising for Sports Day.

√ Making astronaut food.

√ Writing instructions for how to make the astronaut food.

√ Looking at parts of a tree.

√ Learning about the impact plastic can have on the environment.

Family discussion questions:

  • What are the different items you can recycle?
  • What is the coin with the biggest value? What is the note with the smallest value?
  • How many steps can you remember to help you to make the astronaut food?

Looking forward:

Next week we will be editing and publishing our instructions. In Maths we will be exploring time.

We will be learning about the moon landing, looking even closer at trees in Science and taking part in Sports Day.

Homework in Year 1

Spellings/ handwriting and maths sheet (money) (Set 28.6.19; Due 5.7.19)

If you have any materials for the bug hotel, please send them in.

For your diary

Year 1 Music Concert Monday 1st July at 2:45pm in the Sunshine Room

Sports Day Thursday 4th July at 1:30pm (Please send pe kit, coloured t-shirt based on house colour and water bottle)

Thank you again for your continued support.

Ms Cummins