Y1 Friday 5th July 2019– Looking Back & Forth

Y1 Friday 5th July 2019– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

This week we have edited and published our instructions and written our memories of Year 1 for our Golden Book. In Maths we made amounts to £1 and looked at the order of events.

We practised running and team skills in PE ready for Sports Day and continued to look at trees in Science.

What a wonderful Sports Day we had, great team work and participation from everyone!

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Taking part in Sports Day- we enjoyed all of the races.

√ Writing our memories of Year 1 for our Golden Books.

√ Our class winning the best children’s float on Rose Day.

√ Learning more about trees and their leaves in Science.

√ Making amounts up to £1 in Maths.

√ Performing in our Music Concert with Mrs Hext.

√ Completing challenges in Science.

√ Editing and publishing our instructions.

√ Welcoming Reception into our class and showing them what we do in Year 1.

Family discussion questions:

  • What trees are deciduous?
  • Where is the big hand on the clock for o’clock?
  • What coins can you use to make £1?

Looking forward:

Next week we will be writing a fact file about the moon landing. In Maths we will be exploring time.

We will be learning about the moon landing, looking even closer at trees in Science and taking part in Sports Day.

Homework in Year 1

Spellings/ handwriting and maths sheet (Set 5.7.19; Due 12.7.19)

If you have any materials for the bug hotel, please send them in.

For your diary

Monday 15th July am- walk to The Bongs.

Wb 15th July – Transition Week.

Thank you again for your continued support.

Ms Cummins