Y1 Friday 5th July 2024– Looking Back & Forth

Y1 Friday 5th July 2024– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

What a lovely village walk we had on Tuesday! Luckily, there was a mixture of weathers and the class were wonderfully behaved. Thank you to our helpers!

In Maths, we have recognised coins and notes.

In D&T and Art, we have printed African patterns We looked at Claude-Joseph Vernet painting ‘A Shipwreck in Stormy Seas’ and we talked about what we liked about the painting.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Recognising coins and notes.

√ Identifying human and physical features on our village walk.

√ Drawing a journey line based on our village walk.

√ Practising for Sports Day in PE.

√ Weaving using ribbons before making a woven lightning bolt or wave out of paper in Art.

√ Learning about the Hinduism creation story in RE.

√ Understanding the story of Sita and Rama in RE.

√ Playing percussion instruments in Music.

√ Colouring by numbers for colour names in French.

Family discussion questions:

  • Why does a dolphin have a layer of fat?
  • How can you sort coins? What coin has the smallest value? Smallest value
  • How do you write a capital a, h and m?

Looking forward:

In Maths we will be telling the time to the hour and half an hour.

As we near the end of Year 1, we will be consolidating our learning across all subjects through quizzes and games.

In Science, we will look at the impact of sea pollution on sea shore animals.

We will be using a Claude-Joseph Vernet stormy sea painting to inspire our weaving of lightning bolts in hot colours and waves in cold colours.


We will be competing in our houses on Sports Day on Tuesday afternoon (weather permitting).


  • Bongs walk with Reception for transition Monday 15th July am.
  • Sports Day Tuesday 9th July pm- please wear ouse colour t-shirt.
  • I have sent home spellings, reading comprehension and Maths homework on money. Please complete this in pencil. This is the last piece of homework in Year 1- I will send a list of websites next week, in case you want to look at them over the holiday.


  • PE this half term is Friday- please wear PE kits on this day.


If you have any questions please ask.

Thanks again for your continued support.

Kind regards and take care

Mrs Carew