Y1 Friday 7th February 2025– Looking Back & Forth

Y1 Friday 7th February 2025– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

In English we have learnt to add ‘s’ to words to make them plurals, identified different features of Major Glad’s letter and planned our recount message back to Major Glad.

In Maths we have continued to add by counting on, making number bonds to 10 before using them to help us find number bonds to 20.

In History we have used the content of our parents and grandparents’ letters to gather all the information we have learnt.

In Computing we used different tools on Purple Mash to create different textures, colours and shapes when using a painting program.

In Geography we have used an atlas to identify the location of the North and South Pole and Equator. We have learnt that the North and South Pole are cold places and the Equator is hot.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Moving based on given words and performing them as a dance in PE.

√ Finding number bonds to help with adding.

√ Making 10 to help us when counting on.

√ Using number bonds to 10 to make number bonds 20.

√ learning to read and write ‘ay as in ai’ and ‘oy as in oi’.

√ Adding ‘s’ to nouns to write plurals.

√ Identifying features of a letter.

√ Expressing our feelings and learning how to manage them positively.

√ Using different tools on the Purple Mash Art program to colour in outlines of toys, using the mouse pad to control.

√ Learning about Mother Teresa in RE.

√ Saying the seasons in French.


Family discussion questions:

  • What did your parent/grandparent play with when they were younger? What was it like?
  • Which is the odd one out? 12+3, 10+4 or 9+6.
  • What senses have you used today? How do you know?

Looking forward:

Next week we will be writing our own recount messages

In Maths we will be looking at subtraction by counting back.

In History we will be working in groups to design a toy for the future- thinking about the features it would have to make it even more modern than the toys we have.

We will be consolidating our History learning with the collation of Top 10 facts and a ‘hands on’ quiz and using a painting program to draw penguins.

Homework in Year 1

  • Spelling and handwriting/ phonics homework is sent home each Friday and is due back in the following Friday. Handwriting is based on the letter we have practised in school and the spellings are based on what we have looked at in school including High Frequency Words (HFW) or Common Exception Words (CEW) from the Year 1 spelling list. I will send 5 spellings home; this amount can be changed weekly dependent on how well they are retained by the children and will be tested informally on a Friday morning.


  • Please continue to read every night. If this could be recorded in reading diaries so I can track progress for our 14 day Reading Challenge. Reading Challenge’s will be awarded on Friday’s after checking Reading Diaries on Thursday after school. If you have any questions please ask.



Thanks for your support

Mrs Carew