Y1 Friday 7th June 2019– Looking Back & Forth

Y1 Friday 7th June 2019– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

This week we have read alternative sounds with different texts and sorted them into groups based on what sounds we can hear. In Maths we have looked at positional language and directions.

We have designed our moon buggy considering the features we will include.

In Science we have looked at garden flower and continued to observe the growth and changes to our plants and herbs.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Designing our moon buggies.

√ Performing space poetry with Mrs Hamilton.

√ Observing the changes to our bean plants.

√ Directional and positional language in Maths. (full, half and quarter turns)

√ Identifying, naming and drawing garden flowers.

√ Reading alternative sounds in phonics.


Family discussion questions:

  • What features have you included on your moon buggy?
  • Can you direct me using the language full turn, half turn and quarter turn?
  • What has happened to your bean plant?

Looking forward:

Next week we will look at imperative verbs and reading comprehensions based on instructions. In Maths we will be looking at place value up to 100.

We will begin to construct our moon buggy and look at the human and physical features of our locality.

Homework in Year 1

Phonics read and race games (Set 7.6.19; Due 14.6.19)

Please practise reading your real and fake words in preparation for our Phonics Screening test next week.

Thank you again for your continued support.

Ms Cummins