Y1 Friday 7th March 2025– Looking Back & Forth
Y1 Friday 7th March 2025– Looking Back & Forth
Looking back:
In English we have added ‘es or s’ to root words to make them plural- remembering the rules to help us, used ‘and’ as a conjunction to join sentences and identified questions and exclamation sentences.
In Maths we have consolidated our addition and subtraction unit by completing a quiz before moving on to our place value to 50 unit- exploring 20- 50.
In History we have learnt about space travel in the past.
In Science we have conducted an ice experiment to see which material would be the best for an explorer in Antarctica.
On World Book Day we shared our favourite books and why we like it and drew their front cover.
Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:
√ Balancing balls on tennis rackets in PE.
√ Deciding if a sentence is an exclamation sentence or a question.
√ Showing all that we have learnt when adding and subtracting.
√ Understanding numbers from 20-50.
√ Working hard to read and write words including split digraph ‘i_e as in igh’ and ‘o_e as oa’.
√ Using rules to help us to write plurals using ‘es/s’ suffixes.
√ Including the conjunction ‘and’ in our work to join sentences.
√ Learning facts about space travel from the past.
√ Using about dynamics in Music.
√ Learning about Shrove Tuesday in RE.
√ Conducting an ice experiment to understand what materials would be best suited for an explorers clothing to keep them warm.
Family discussion questions:
- To write ‘box’ as a plural- would I add ‘s’ or ‘es’?
- What technology do you use at home? How can you make sure you are safe when using it?
- Is there any weather that you see in more than one season of the year?
Looking forward:
Next week we will be exploring the features of the Hermelin story and writing our story plan.
In Maths we will be making groups before partitioning tens and ones to understand the value of the numbers.
In Design and Technology we will begin to design our recycled bird houses.
In Science we will consolidating our Polar Places learning through completing our quiz.
Homework in Year 1
- Spelling and phonics homework is sent home each Friday and is due back in the following Friday. Handwriting is based on the letter we have practised in school and the spellings are based on what we have looked at in school including High Frequency Words (HFW) or Common Exception Words (CEW) from the Year 1 spelling list. I will send 5 spellings home and will be tested informally on a Friday morning. This really helps to reinforce the sounds we have been working on in class and enables the children to use the sounds / words in their writing. Homework due Friday.
- Please continue to read every night. If this could be recorded in reading diaries so I can track progress for our 14 day Reading Challenge. Reading Challenge’s will be awarded on Friday’s after checking Reading Diaries on Thursday after school. If you have any questions please ask.
- Open books- Y1 classroom Thursday 20th March – 3:13-4:45pm
- Parent’s Evening slots open on Monday 17th March 7pm and close Friday 21st March 7pm.
- Mother’s Day shop - wb 24th March- money in a named envelope and who to buy for please.
- Y1 Parents Evening- Tuesday 25th, Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th
Thanks for your support
Mrs Carew