Y3 Looking Back and Forth 19/11/21

Friday 19th  November 2021 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 3

Looking back:

We have really enjoyed developing our singing again this week in Class Three. We have also worked hard in Science, learning more about forces, pushes, pulls and magnetism, in History we were fascinated by the Egyptians and reading and researching into their importance as an ancient civilisation, we completed our work in RE all about the parables told by Jesus, worked our socks off in maths to learn our new method of addition which builds on from our ‘shark fins’ in year 2 and compared Goostrey to Elizabethfontien by using the laptops.

Well done Class 3 for being a-ma-zing!!!

Year 3 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Gymnastics session in PE with all of the apparatus
  • Learning how to do column addition and the ‘Bobby Dazzlers!’
  • Our tune of the week – Band of Brothers theme by Michael Kamen
  • Enjoying our RE story all about The Lost Sheep
  • Singing in Music because we love singing
  • Reading quiz
  • Learning more about bones – how many we have and joints – did you know that chickens have more bones in their necks than giraffes?
  • History – learning more about the Egyptians in Africa
  • Our Recommended Reading shelf presentation
  • Learning about magnets in science thinking about pushing and pulling
  • Lunchtime – we love school lunches
  • Playing with my friends
  • Everything!

Family discussion questions:

Ask your children…

  • What are prepositions?
  • What How old was the youngest Pharaoh?
  • Challenge Question: What was this week’s ‘tune of the week and who was it written by?’


Looking forward:

This week, we will be completing our work on the laptops to compare Elizabethfontein and Goostrey and their surrounding areas, designing our own symbol which Christians could use to represent God, continue to write an informative piece all about why Egypt was so important to the development of Africa and the World, continuing with column addition and subtraction in maths, beginning to write our own return story in English which we can’t wait for, developing our gymnastic skills more in PE, singing to our hearts content in Music and getting stuck into our experiments all about our Forces topic in Science.

Thank you again for a wonderful week and for all of the donations for the Class Three hamper ~ I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Sant