Y3 w.e 1.3.19 Looking Back & Forth

Friday 1st March 2019 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 3

Looking back:

Over the last week, we have completed our column addition and subtraction learning and are now feeling more confident! In English we have begun to write reports based on volcanoes using our plans to organise our work logically.  The Roman topic work has continued by investigating Celtic lives before the Roman invasion. 

Year 3 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • I loved the dramatic volcano introduction – the English Inspiration was indeed inspiring!
  • Tag rugby was fun because we got to run around, the people in the bibs had to tag the others.
  • I liked working on our history this week because I got to learn so much about the Celts and we used the laptops.
  • I liked creating my ‘show respect on-line’ poster, mine was really brightly coloured.
  • I liked column subtraction and addition this week, I knew a little already but now I think I am even better at them.
  • Mrs Riddell helping me get brilliant at my maths.

Family discussion questions:

  • What are the best ways to show ‘respect on-line’?
  • Can you give at least 5 features you would expect to find in a non-fiction report?

Looking forward:
We are going to be learning how to divide in maths by using a number line to help us! English will see our report writing continue, looking into the Roman housing as well as the Celtic uprising spurred on by Boudicca.

Homework in Year 3
English: Comprehension – look out for a peach sheet this week.
Maths: Maximum of 20 minutes – look out for a blue sheet this week.
Timetables: X3, X6, X11, X9