Y3 w.e 15.2.18 Looking Back & Forth in Year 3

Friday 15th February 2019 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 3

Looking back:

Over the last week, we have completed some assessments as well as enjoyed a maths/ ICT afternoon of carousel activities! We created pieces of artwork based on insects, using careful drawing and water colouring techniques!  Additionally we used interactive maps to show us how the Roman Empire expanded.

Year 3 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • PE was great because we were allowed to use our own ideas in our routines.
  • I enjoyed the assessments, in particular the maths test because it let me show off my understanding of new techniques.
  • The Maths/ ICT theme afternoon was good, we got to go around the school to different classrooms and work with different people.
  • I enjoyed drawing the insects of our frames because I liked going over the image being very accurate.
  • The timestables table on Friday meant that I could show off what I had practised.
  • I enjoyed the reading assessment, it felt quite easy and it was a fun activity.
  • I liked our history because it combines two of my favourite things, geography and history in the map work.

Family discussion questions:

  • What modern day country did the Romans come from?
  • True or false, the Romans invaded only into Europe and North Africa?

Looking forward:
After half term we shall be refining our column subtraction methods in maths, learning how to create non-chronological reports and finding more out about the Roman way of life and how it changed Britain.

Homework in Year 3
English: Comprehension – look out for a pale yellow sheet this week.
Maths: Maximum of 20 minutes – look out for a bright yellow sheet this week.
Timetables: X3, X6, X4, X9