Y4 Friday 8th March - Looking Back and Forth

Friday 8th March  2019 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 4

Looking back:

In English this week the children, continued to look at persuasive texts.  They wrote their own persuasive text to a Tudor monarch – persuading them to use their tailors. We then started to plan out our next piece of writing to You Tube.  On Thursday the children used their favourite books to create a persuasive booklet about their books.

The class continued to work on decimals this week in maths, then on Thursday we looked at data handling and drawing bar charts with a World Book Day theme.

In the afternoons, we looked at the ‘Golden Age’ when Elizabeth I came to the throne.  We looked at Elizabeth’s life and then started to look at important figures in exploration at the time.

In science, the class created circuit boards in pairs – this was to make a quiz board.  Fingers crossed we should finish these this week.

Year 4 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Jack coming back!
  • World Book Day – making my booklet
  • English planning a letter to You Tube
  • Making circuit board games
  • Hi 5 training with the coaches
  • The Art Gallery
  • Dance
  • The Pancake Day Assembly
  • Guitar
  • Chips!

Family discussion questions:

  • Can you tell anything about Elizabeth I?
  • Why was the reign of Elizabeth called the ‘Golden Age’?
  • What does prosperity mean?
  • Who were the explorers that you looked at this week?
  • Which was the most popular vowel in your bar chart?
  • What was the theme of your circuit board?
  • How do you make a circuit board?
  • Where are you up to in your planning of your Tudor pouch?

Looking forward:

This week, in English we will continue writing our letters to You Tube, persuading them to have tighter controls and to protect children watching their videos. 

  In Maths, we will be finishing our work on barcharts and data handling then moving onto a topic about shapes and their properties.   

In science, the children will be completing their own circuit boards and Poppy’s mum is coming in to talk to us about how electricity is used in industry, as well as making something  else (surprise to come).  In history, we will finish our work on Tudor exploration.  In design and technology – the children making their templates, cutting the felt and maybe even tacking the fabric together.   Hopefully in a few weeks we will need some keen volunteers to help us when we get to the sewing stage.  This will be for the last hour on a Friday.  If you think that you might be available, could you let me know.

Homework in Year 4

Timestables for Wednesday  - Mrs Benson

Spellings for Thursday – Mrs Cooper 

Maths (green sheet) and using commas sheet  for Friday – Mrs Cowell

Could the children please complete their homework in pencil or blue/black pen not felt tip.

(This can be handed it at anytime before Friday, the children know where the plastic wallets are)


P.E. kits in this week.  P.E. will be on Tuesday afternoon this week.  (Dance with Premier Sports)

Could the children bring trainers or pumps if possible.

Nightly reading recorded in reading record – make sure it comes to school on Friday

Reading challenge has started – 20 reads in the reading record =10 housepoints

Please encourage your child to record their reading in their reading records. 

Dates for your diary:

12th/14th Parents’ Evening

14th Comedy Night

March 28th – 29th York Residential

Friday 29th  Y2 Cake Sale and Film Night

April Friday 5th  School Closes for Easter holidays and returns Tuesday 23rd April

Advance notice: Sports Day Thursday 4th July Reserve Sports Day Thursday