Y5 1.10.21 Looking Back and Forth

Friday 1st October 2021 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 5

Looking back: 

The children have worked so hard this week! They have done some wonderful writing, producing a survival story based in the Amazon. The children have also produced some wonderful geography work based on South American – their books are looking fantastic!

Year 5 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • We have really enjoyed learning about South America and liked researching the Amazon this week.
  • We enjoyed writing our survival stories based in the jungle.
  • We have really enjoyed our textile artwork with Mrs Riddell.

Family discussion questions:

  • Ask the children if they can remember any facts about the Amazon.
  • Ask the children what they’ve learned about sewing from Mrs Riddell’s lessons.
  • Ask the children what happened in their survival story.

Looking forward:

Next week, the children will be continuing to be learning about the South American jungle, and will be writing a survival guide.

In maths, they will be moving on to exploring addition and subtraction strategies.

In our geography work, we will be learning about endangered animals in South America and environmental issues affecting the continent.