Y5 Weekly Update 10.5.24

Friday 10th May 2024 – Y5 Weekly Update

Looking back: 

It’s been a great week in Year 5 after the Bank Holiday weekend. The children have been planning and writing an amazing story about survival, set in a forest/jungle wilderness. In maths, we have completed our decimals topic - the children have done very well with this unit of work. We had a really interesting history lesson, looking at census information about Goostrey and tracking how the village had changed over time. Finally, in science, we looked at the inside of an egg and the life cycle of a bird.

Year 5 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • We feel more confident with decimals!
  • We have liked writing our own story’s about survival.
  • We enjoyed the RE lesson about art in religion.

Family discussion questions:

  • Can the children tell you how colour is used to symbolise things in religion?
  • Can the children tell you what they discovered from looking at the Goostrey census information.

Looking forward:

Next week, the children will be completing their survival narratives before moving on to a short writing topic where they will produce a survival guide.

In maths, the children will be undertaking some shape work, learning how to measure and draw angles with a protractor.

In RE they will be looking at examples of Islamic art, and in science they will be exploring the life cycle of a mammal. Mrs Cooper will also be doing some more spreadsheet work with the children.

Have a great weekend!