Y5 Weekly Update 12.1.24

Friday 12th January 2024 – Y5 Weekly Update

Looking back: 

It was lovely to welcome the children back on Monday, raring to go and enthusiastic about the term ahead.

This week, we started our WWII topic by looking at a timeline of British history over the last century. In English, we began an English topic based on a wonderful graphic novel version of the classic Sherlock Holmes story, ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’. In Science, we had a little recap of the properties of materials.  

Year 5 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • It was interesting learning the reasons why WWII was declared.
  • We loved the opening chapters of The Hound of the Baskervilles.
  • It was nice being back with our friends after the break.

Family discussion questions:

  • Can the children tell you how to calculate the area and perimeter of a rectangle?
  • Can the children discuss the events that led towards the beginning of WWII?

Looking forward:

Next week in maths, we will move on to multiplication strategies – learning how to multiply 3-digit numbers by 2-digit.

In computer work, the children will be exploring databases – learning what a database is for and how we use them.

In history, the children will be learning about which countries were occupied in Europe during WWII.

It's free dress day for Harding on Thursday.

Have a lovely weekend!