Y5 Weekly Update 12.7.24

Friday 12th July 2024 – Y5 Weekly Update

Looking back: 

It’s been a great week! We had the Fire Service in on Monday, talking to the children about road safety. In English, the children wrote some fantastic poems about South American endangered animals. In D&T lessons, we looked at how cam mechanisms worked, ready to make some moving toys next week. It was our last Wider Opps sessions and the children did a great job playing for the Y4s and showing them their instruments.

Year 5 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • We enjoyed showing the Year 4 children our instruments and playing some pieces of music for them.
  • We found the Fire Service talk really useful.

Family discussion questions:

  • What were the key lessons the children learned from the Fire Service?
  • Can the children tell you how a cam mechanism works?

Looking forward:

Wow – it’s the last week of the school year. How did that happen!? There’s lots going on next week…

On Monday and Tuesday we have Bikeability. The class will be split, with one half doing the morning, the other half doing the afternoon. The remaining children will be undertaking a D&T project in class. The children should wear their normal Goostrey t-shirts/jumpers/cardigans with some trousers/shorts appropriate for biking.

On Thursday, the children will be going to Mrs Timmins for a transition session to hear all about life in Year 6. We will also be watching the Year 6 production. In the afternoon, Reuben Cowell will be back to do more Micro-Bits work with the children, which they have loved!

On the last day, children are welcome to bring in a traditional game (no electronics).  

Have a great weekend!