Y5 Weekly Update 13.1.23
Friday 13th January 2023 – Y5 Weekly Update
Looking back:
It’s been a brilliant week in Year 5. We’ve been reading a fantastic graphic novel version of The Hound of the Baskervilles, and the children have been practising characterisation in their writing. In maths, we have been working hard on calculating the area of compound shapes. We have now completed our ‘Forces’ science topic and move on to a unit of work on materials.
Year 5 – Pupils’ Highlights:
- We enjoyed our French lesson with Mrs Riddell on Wednesday.
- We like playing basketball in PE.
- We have enjoyed the ancient Greece topic in History.
Family discussion questions:
- Can the children tell you how to calculate the area of a rectangle?
- Ask the children which ancient Greek God they researched on Monday.
Looking forward:
Next week, we begin our WWII topic in History by looking at a timeline of British history between 1900-2023.
On Monday, we will undertake some important e-safety work, designed to help the children stay safe and recognise warming signs when they are online.
In maths, we are moving on to look at strategies for multiplication and division
The first lesson of our new science topic will be a recap of the properties of materials.
Have a lovely weekend!