Y5 Weekly Update 21.6.24

Friday 21st June 2024 – Y5 Weekly Update

Looking back: 

It’s been a great week in Year 5! The children have done some brilliant writing based on Anthony’s Browne’s adaptation of King Kong. They have produced their own great pieces, describing Kong. We have also undertaken some interesting work on Christian pilgrimages and a baby’s developmental stages. We have also been learning about the variety of biomes in South America.

Year 5 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • We really enjoyed the unit of work about King Kong.
  • It was interesting learning about the places a Christian might go on a special pilgrimage to.
  • We are enjoying doing athletics in PE.

Family discussion questions:

  • Can the children tell you about some of the stages of baby goes through in their development?
  • Can the children tell you where a Christian might travel to on a pilgrimage?

Looking forward:

Next week, the children will be reading and writing some poems linked to our South America topic. We will be exploring environmental issues in South America, included endangered animals and the loss of their habitat.

In maths, the children will be continuing with the position and direction unit, looking at how translation and reflection work.

In science, we will be looking at data handling about gestation periods for different animals and creating scatter graphs. In RE, we will be learning out pilgrimages in the Jewish faith.

Have a great weekend!