Y5 Weekly Update 28.6.24

Friday 28th June 2024 – Y5 Weekly Update

Looking back: 

It’s been a great week for Year 5 – they’ve worked hard and enjoyed the lovely weather on the field! The children have been planning and writing a wonderful story with a dilemma and conflict between characters – they seem to have really enjoyed the current writing topic and have been very enthusiastic about writing. In maths, we have been working on position and direction, looking at translation and reflection on a grid. In science, we did some data handling work with scatter graphs, looking at the gestation periods of different mammals. We have been learning lots about South America too, focusing in on the Amazon Rainforest this week. We’ve also been really lucky to have Reuben Cowell in class doing some amazing ICT work with the children using Micro-Bits.     

Year 5 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • We enjoyed planning and writing a story.
  • We enjoyed doing the maths position and direction work.
  • We loved the coding work with Reuben.

Family discussion questions:

  • Can the children remember the pilgrimages associated with different religions – Christianity, Hinduism, Judasim Islam?
  • Can the children tell you any key facts about the Amazon?

Looking forward:

Next week, Mrs Riddell will be doing some great art work with the children based on the National Gallery’s Take One Picture initiative.

The children will be continuing position and direction maths work with some more reflection activities, before moving on to our final maths topic of the year – measurements.

We will continue learning about endangered animals in South America. 

Have a great weekend!