Y5 Weekly Update 5.7.24

Friday 5th July 2024 – Y5 Weekly Update

Looking back: 

It’s been another great week in Year 5. The children have completed some amazing writing over the last couple of weeks, writing two stories based on King Kong – they’ve been really engaged by this book. In geography, we learned all about endangered animals in South America and the reasons why some species are close to extinction. In maths, we were undertaking some more work on reflection, before moving on to our final maths topic of the year – units of measurement. The children enjoyed performing to a parent audience on Wednesday and I hope those who could make it enjoyed hearing some of the pieces they had learned this year.

Year 5 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • We enjoyed the Wider Opps performance in front of parents.
  • We found it interesting and sad to research how many species are having their habitats destroyed in South America.
  • We have really enjoyed story writing and improving our English skills.

Family discussion questions:

  • What have the children found useful/enjoyable about learning their instrument this year?
  • Can the children tell you some of the animals which are endangered in South America?

Looking forward:

Next week, we will be doing some design and planning work in our Design Technology lessons, exploring how cam mechanisms work.

In English, we will be doing some poetry writing linked to South America and environmental issues.

In science, the children will be learning about what happens to the body as it grows older.

In the children’s final Wider Opportunities lesson, they will be joined by the Year 4s and they will be showing them the instruments and helping them decide which one might be for them next year. It's really important all instruments are back in on Wednesday.

Have a great weekend!