Y5 Weekly Update 7.3.25
Friday 7th March 2025 – Y5 Weekly Update
Looking back:
It’s been a bubbly and enthusiastic week in Year 5! We have been using some geography skills to learn about Burwardsley, exploring Ordnance Survey maps and grid references. In maths, the children have been learning about percentages. This is the first time many of them have covered this concept and they have done so well. In science, we explored ways we can separate materials.
Year 5 – Pupils’ Highlights:
- We enjoyed coming into school in our pyjamas for World Book Day.
- We liked listening to different styles of music in Christian worship.
- It was interesting learning about Ordnance Survey maps.
Family discussion questions:
- Ask the children to explain what a percentage is and how to convert between percentages, decimals and fractions.
- Can the children tell you why Ordnance survey maps are so useful?
Looking forward:
Next week in Maths, we move on to a new unit of work learning strategies to calculate area and perimeter.
In geography, we will be learning about the Sandstone Trial and in science we will be conducting a solubility investigation.
Don’t forget the free dress day on Thursday in return for items for our class Easter hamper.
Have a great weekend!