Y6 - Friday 10th May - Looking Back and Forth

Y6 – Friday 10th May  2019 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6

Good Luck Year 6 – You’ve got this! J

Good Luck Year 6 – You’ve got this! J

Good Luck Year 6 – You’ve got this! J

Looking back:

So, it’s been a busy week with lots of preparation for next week’s tests, but lots of regular lessons being delivered too, just to keep our pupils’ feet firmly on the ground.

We’ve been busy revising grammar, spelling, reading and maths for our assessments next week and our pupils have been picking up tips on what to do (and what not to do) for next week.  They are as prepared as can be and all that we ask is that they try their best and be proud of themselves.  They brought home a (cream-coloured) letter on Friday to explain what they may bring into school next week to support them with their tests.  

Mrs. Cooper has continued with the work on the history of Britain – there really is a lot of fascinating learning going on and the pupils are enjoying finding out about our country’s history.  Mrs. Benson has continued with the music and it seems this is a hit too, with our pupils enjoying time in the hall, listening – and dancing – to a range of music.  Premier Sports was lots of fun on Tuesday with Miss Clarke encouraging the class to let off steam with some fairly energetic team games.

What a great week – let’s hope that next week is just as kind. J

Letters issued Y6:

Year 6 “Good Luck” SATs letter

Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Carousel of different revision activities on Friday morning – laptops, spellings, reading, maths and CGP books
  • Revising on the laptops
  • Friday lunchtime – it was really fun being with friends
  • Music and dance with Mrs. Benson
  • Friday Football with Premier Sports
  • Tuesday’s Games with Miss Clarke (from Premier Sports)
  • Exchanging books from the Library Van

Family discussion questions:

  • Tell me about Aaron Copeland’s “Rodeo Hoedown”
  • How do Christians believe that God is three persons in one?
  • Tell me three things you’ve learned about the Vikings.

Looking forward:

  1. Next week – no surprise - is SATs week.  Our pupils will be proving whathey know during the mornings, with tests in Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation and Vocabulary: Reading Comprehension; and Maths – Arithmetic and Reasoning.  We are confident that they know what to expect; are prepared as well as they can be; and will be calm and collected during the week.  For further information please see the “Events” tab for a test timetable and download the “Good Luck” letter for details of what they may bring with them for support.
  2. We shall be continuing with regular lessons in the afternoon to ensure that our pupils see that tests are a regular part of the learning process.  There will be PE, history, geography, reading and lots more going on.
  3. On Thursday, after our maths test, we shall return to regular morning lessons and our writing focus will recommence.
  4. Friday afternoon will see the pupils enjoying an after SATs party.  Detail to follow in due course, once the tests are completed.

Homework in Year 6

Mrs. Timmins:

None set this week                             

Mrs. Cooper:  

CGP Science Revision Book                             

(Set:  07.05.19;   Due:  14.05.19  )

Miss Atkins:   

None set this week