Y6 - Friday 15th March 2019 - Looking Back and Forth

Y6 - Friday 15th March 2019 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6

Looking back:

Over the last few days, we have enjoyed a range of tasks in our different lessons.  We have worked on publishing diaries based upon the “Timothy Winters” poem; we have continued with reading our class novel – “Rooftoppers” – and we have used this to remind us of our dialogue and speech within our writing.  For history, we have studied the Iron Age and learned facts about this, whilst in Science, we continued with classifying animals.  We completed the week with looking at the development of hats through time and learning about Christianity.  It was also great to have a Hi-5 netball session with Mr. Capewell – PE teacher from Holmes Chapel Comprehensive.

Thank you to our parents for two very successful parents’ evenings.  It was great to chat about the progress your children are making and to see how they are preparing for their forthcoming tests.  They have brought home their most recent papers to share at home.  They do not need to do anything with them – or return them – they are just for information.  They may wish to revisit certain questions, or find out which were tricky.  Mrs. Timmins would be happy to go over these in class.

Grammar – this week, there are some new mini-posters uploaded to help with revision.  New ones have the date at the front so that families can easily see which ones are the newest uploads.  We hope these are proving useful.

Letters issued Y6:

None specific this week.

Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Friday maths club with Mrs. Cuttle
  • Working on dialogue in “Rooftoppers”
  • The arithmetic test
  • PE with Mr. Capewell – we did Hi-5 netball
  • The netball tournament
  • Reading “Rooftoppers”

Family discussion questions:

  • Grammar Focus: Can you show me how to turn reported speech into direct speech?
  • Tell me when the Iron Age was in history?
  • Why do Christians believe that God can be Father, Son and Holy Spirit?

Looking forward:

  1.  Next week, we shall be continuing with our themes for this half term and we may be having something a bit “different” on Thursday – all will be revealed.  There is also the Mothers’ Day shop on Friday (mums, don’t read that last sentence!)

Homework in Year 6

Mrs. Timmins:                                               

CGP Revision Homework: Punctuation and Arithmetic

Spellings: The “shun” ending with –sion and –ssion

Reading Booklet: “Golden Dreams”

(Set:  15.03.19;  Due:   22.03.19)

Mrs. Cooper:                                      

Science CGP Revision Book

(Set:  12.03.19;   Due:  19.03.19)

Miss Atkins:   

Maths Arithmetic Sheet          

(Set:  19.03.19;  Due:  21.03.19)