Y6 - Friday 1st March 2019 - Looking Back and Forth

Y6 - Friday  1st March 2019 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6

Looking back:

Welcome back to our Year 6 after a restful half term break – we’ve cracked on this week with some new sessions in class.  In English, we have begun to look at a poem by Charles Causley and maths has seen us work on proportions, percentages and scale factors.  We have begun to explore early British history during the afternoons, played Hi-5 netball, explored Christianity, and have completed the week with an energetic session with our super buddies.

Letters issued Y6:

Goostrey Roseday Information Letter

Goostrey Under 14s Football – Car Wash Leaflet

Goostrey CP School Art Exhibition Letter

Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Netball Club with Premier Sports
  • Playing with my friends at breaktime
  • Hi-5 Netball with Mrs. Cooper
  • Working on the poem “Timothy Winters”
  • Maths lessons
  • Maths with Miss Atkins on Tuesday
  • Maths club – after school
  • Buddies

Family discussion questions:

  • Grammar Focus: How do we spot a “perfect verb”?
  • Tell me about early British history
  • In maths, how do we find the areas for squares & rectanges, triangles and parallelograms?
  • Who is Timothy Winters and what decade is he from?

Looking forward:

  1. Next week is going to be a particularly busy week.  We shall be completing a series of practice tests next week, under test conditions in the hall, to give the Year 6 a flavour of what they will enjoy in May, when the get the chance to show their “stuff”.  We have the art gallery on Tuesday and pupils have brought home a letter with full details today (Friday).  Thursday is “World Book Day” and pupils have been asked to bring in their favourite book to share with each other.  We have decided not to dress up this year, just a great text to share and enjoy.  The booking system for parents’ evenings (to be held the following week) will be open from 7:00pm on Monday 4th March – we look forward to seeing you soon to discuss your child’s progress in a range of areas.  You are also invited to enjoy sharing your child's work and looking through their books next Thursday 7th March (3:30pm - 5:00pm).

Important Dates:

Tuesday 5th March – Pupils’ Art Gallery – see letter from Friday 1st March for full details

Thursday 7th March – World Book Day – pupils are invited to bring in their favourite book to share.  

Thursday 7th March - Share your child's work - Year 6 classroom (3:30-5:00pm)

Homework in Year 6

Mrs. Timmins:              CGP Revision Books: Grammar and Arithmetic;  Spellings: The “shun” ending (-cian and –tion)                       

(Set:  01.03.19;  Due:   08.03.19)

Mrs. Cooper:  CGP Revision Books: Science                                       

(Set:  26.02.19;   Due:  05.03.19  )

Miss Atkins:    Maths Arithmetic Sheet          

(Set:  05.03.19;  Due:  07.03.19)