Y6 - Friday 26th April - Looking Back and Forth

Y6 - Friday 26th April 2019 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6

Looking back:

Welcome back to all of our pupils and families into the summer term 2019 – your last full term with us here at Goostrey!  However, before we talk of pastures new, we’ll report on the last four days first.  We have – as expected – really stepped into our revision for SATs and this week we have been focusing on reading and grammar for English, with different maths topics after break times.  We do seem to have “forgotten” some of our grammatical terms and I would urge the pupils to download the revision mini-posters from our tab and to post these around their bedrooms, and homes, just as reminders for the next three weeks.  This week, they were caught out on progressive verbs in particular!

Mrs. Cooper has begun to find out information for writing biographies for her lessons and Mrs. Benson has introduced the pupils to some different types of music this week.  We have also started to look at the rest of the year and what is coming up before the end of the summer term.  Various secondary schools are beginning to request information regarding our pupils to help them prepare for the transition process.  On Thursday, we welcomed Mrs. Bayley from HCCS who came to chat about the pupils who will be moving to Holmes Chapel.  She then spent Thursday afternoon with the class and helped them with their learning. 

May we ask that where pupils are moving to different high schools, we are kept informed by families regarding potential visits.  Sometimes the schools may contact us with details, at other times, they let families know.  We shall – where possible – inform you of all dates that we are given, and any other events regarding transition, as soon as possible.

We have also chatted with the class regarding the end-of-year show and whether they wish to perform.  They said yes!  We discussed the commitment that is required; the expectations in terms of learning lines; singing in public; waiting patiently; commitment from staff members; commitment from families; hard work; great bouts of fun; and a great deal of dedication.  They still said YES!  So, we shall be searching now for the right script………..watch this space.

Letters issued Y6:

Important:  Pupils who will be attending Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School in September were issued with a single letter, together with an information pack (Friday 26th April).

These packs have information sheets for families to complete and return to HCCS by Friday 3rd May.  Please do not send these to us here at Goostrey.  We also do not have any spare copies, so if your pack did not arrive home, please contact HCCS for a duplicate set.  Thank you.

Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Doing our CGP Revison books for SATs
  • PE – our running session with Premier Sports at lunch on Friday
  • Miss Atkins’ maths lesson
  • Friday Football – the before school club
  • Music with Mrs. Benson
  • Reading the poem “Giants” in English
  • Participating in Mrs. Hext’s music concert

Family discussion questions:

  • Grammar Focus: Why did Mrs. Timmins use semi-colons and not commas in the list above (when talking about the end-of-year production)?
  • Who are you writing a biography about for Mrs. Cooper?
  • Tell me about the music you watched/listened to with Mrs. Benson.

Looking forward:

  1. Next week, we shall be continuing with the work from this week.  Lots of revision, but other activities to stop us being saturated with SATs.  Please note that the Year 6 “Weights and Measures” programme will take place on Wednesday afternoon.  Your child’s height and weight will be recorded by the School Health Team unless you have signed and returned the form issued last term (22.03.19)
  2. These measures are taken in private and no information is shared with school staff or the pupils.  Please refer to the letter for further details.  Thank you.

Homework in Year 6

Mrs. Timmins:           

CGP Revision Books – English: Grammar and Maths: Geometry, Measures and Statistics

(Set: 26.04.19; Due:   03.05.19)

Mrs. Cooper:  

CGP Science Revision Book                             

(Set: 23.04.19;   Due:  30.04.19  )

Miss Atkins:   

Maths Arithmetic Sheet          

(Set:  30.04.19;  Due: 02.05.19)