Y6 - Friday 28th June - Looking Back and Forth

Y6 - Friday 28th June 2019 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6

Looking back:

Well – what a week!  Where do we begin?  So much to tell! 

Kingswood was a great success in so many ways.  We enjoyed so many different activities which challenged the children in a variety of ways.  We’ve been climbing, caving, shooting bows and arrows, running, laughing, sleeping, eating, jumping, ducking, problem-solving, eating, swinging, hunting, singing, fencing, bouldering – and eating (a lot).

Our group was lucky to be led by Course Director Steve, who had learned all the pupils’ names before the weekend was out, and had granted nick-names to some.  We worked on areas of confidence; we looked at solving problems and challenges; we looked to improve our listening skills; and we practised using our manners at all times.

We really enjoyed the time spent with our class, outside of the regular school hours and classrooms.  It is always amusing to see them in a more relaxed and fun environment.  We are extremely grateful to the adults who accompanied us, giving up time with their own families to enable the pupils to have this experience.

We hope that your children have – by now – told you everything about their time at Colomendy and we have uploaded a small selection of photographs to the “Display work items” tab. 

Following our return, we have begun to write “Thank You” letters to Steve; concentrated on rehearsing “The X Factory” and of course, enjoyed our successful buddy trip to Reaseheath Farm on Friday afternoon.

We have a very busy few weeks coming up and we’d like to make you aware of the following dates:

Monday 1st July – Hat Making Day – please see School Spider message and email sent on 26.06.19

Tuesday 2nd July – Hat Making Day

Thursday 4th July – School Sports Day

Friday 5th July – Premier Sports – PE kit required

Friday 12th July – Premier Sports lesson – PE kit required

Wednesday 17th July – Year 6 Leavers’ Lunch (Thank you to the PTA for funding this)

Thursday 18th July – Year 6 Hatwalk (afternoon approximately 2:00 – full details to follow)

Friday 19th July – Buddy Picnic (afternoon – details to follow)

Monday 22nd July – Year 6 perform “The X Factory” @ 7:00pm (details regarding ticket to follow)

Tuesday 23rd July – Year 6 perform “The X Factory” @ 7:00pm (details regarding ticket to follow)

Wednesday 24th July – Leavers’ Assembly (afternoon)

Letters issued Y6:

No specific letters

Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Getting to the top of Leap of Faith
  • Being in total darkness in the caves
  • Having Steve as our group leader – he was great at everything
  • Hitting the target at archery
  • The 3G swing – it was amazing going to the top
  • Seeing my buddy at Reaseheath

Family discussion questions:

  • Tell me about “buggy building”.
  • What was your favourite moment about Kingswood?
  • How steep was the hill?  (The adults would say “extremely”!)

Looking forward:

  1. Monday and Tuesday are hat-making days. Pupils have designed their hats and should be ready to go with materials on Monday.  We have asked the to all bring in a bag of recycled materials – bottles, card, felt, tubes, paper, fabrics, etc – that could be shared with the rest of the class.  In addition, should they wish to add specific items such as bows, ribbons and pom poms, etc. they are welcome to bring these in too.
  2. We shall be focusing on rehearsals for “The X Factory” too, in addition to chatting about costumes.
  3. Sports day takes place on Thursday afternoon, beginning at 1:30pm
  4. Premier Sports takes place on Friday morning – pupils should have their full kit in school for this session.
  5. Please could families ensure that pupils have a sunhat and water bottles in school during the hot weather season.  Unfortunately, the Year 6 classroom does not have air conditioning and it can become very warm, even with the windows open.  Thank you.

Homework in Year 6

Mrs. Timmins & Mrs Cooper:                                    

(Set:  Ongoing – pupils will be allowed to have scripts “on set” until Friday 12th July, by which time, we expect them to know their lines off by heart, having had their scripts and allocated parts since Friday 24th May.)