Y6 - Friday 29th March - Looking Back and Forth

Y6 - Friday  29th March 2019 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6

Looking back:

This week, we have been working on writing sections of stories, finding the mean in maths, adding information to hat timelines, viewing imagery in Christianity, enjoying improving our tennis skills and we listened to a very informative session from PCSO Chesters about Internet Safety.  Busy busy once more.  On Friday, we played with our buddies at lunchtime and revised different weather phrases in French.

Letters issued Y6:


Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Writing stories for Rooftoppers
  • Working in the Sunshine Room for maths
  • Mrs. Cuttle’s Friday maths club
  • Designing pictures for my hat timeline
  • Being out on the field at lunchtimes

Family discussion questions:

  • Grammar Focus: When do writers use the colon and semi-colon in a text?
  • Which hats are on your timeline?
  • What is volume in maths and can you tell me the formula?

Looking forward:

  1. Next week is the last of the spring term: this year is flying by.  We shall be completing our story sections; learning about volume and area in maths; continuing with plants in science; adding information about hats to our timelines; practising sentences in French; and improving our tennis skills further.  (Year 6 – tell me about the punctuation in this section and you might earn some housepoints!)

Homework in Year 6

Mrs. Timmins:

CGP Revision books; Year 5&6 National Curriculum spellings; SATs Reading Booklet “Wolf Pack”

(Set:  29.03.19;  Due:   05.04.19)

Mrs. Cooper:  

CGP Science Revision book                             

(Set:  26.03.19;   Due:  02.04.19  )

Miss Atkins:

Maths Arithmetic Sheet          

(Set:  02.04.19;  Due:  04.04.19)