Y6 - Friday 7th June - Looking Back and Forth

Y6 - Friday 7th June 2019 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6

Looking back:

This week, we welcomed Year 6 back for their final half term with us at Goostrey – what a very busy half term it is going to be.  In class, we have focused on our writing, which has seen the pupils composing information texts as well as personal letters, based upon the work we are doing in other curriculum areas and our class novel.  They have continued with enjoying PE with Mrs. Cooper and Premier Sports, as well as reflecting on, and writing instructions for, their felt making afternoon from last half term.

As pupils are enjoying Premier Sports first lesson on a Friday, we request that they have a spare white t-shirt for this session – as part of their requested PE uniform.  They are expending a lot of energy between 9:00-10:00 and are returning to class sticky, hot (and a little sweaty) and we have discussed that it is not a good idea to then remain wearing the same red t-shirt for the rest of the day!  We thank you for your co-operation with this.

Letters issued Y6:

June Evening Permission Letter

Reaseheath Buddy Visit

Growing Up Talk – Invitation to view lesson content and materials

Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Seeing my buddy again after the holidays
  • Working with my friends
  • Premier Sports lessons – it’s fun to be outside

Family discussion questions:

  • Tell me about the drama session with Miss Atkins.
  • What focus is your study of animals for Mrs. Cooper’s science?
  • Who did you write a letter to this week?  What character’s role were you taking?

Looking forward:

  1. Next week, we are welcoming a visitor from Holmes Chapel Comprehensive to chat to the pupils regarding transition (Monday afternoon), before those pupils head to the school on Wednesday for their first (curriculum) visit – how exciting.  We are continuing with our writing too, looking at a newspaper article and a short story.  Of course, we shall be finishing the week with Premier Sports in the morning and June Evening in the afternoon – please all cross your fingers for good weather.
  2. Thursday 13th June – 5:00pm – Parental Kingswood Information Evening in the Y6 classroom.  Pupils are not required to attend but if they do come along, they must join the meeting.  They will not be able to play – unsupervised – in the playground or the school.  Thank you.
  3. Friday 14th June – Premier Sports (first lesson); June Evening 3:30-5:00pm.  Please also note that Harding House has a free dress day today.

Homework in Year 6

Mrs. Timmins:

Line Learning for The X Factory – rehearsals will begin week commencing 17th June             

(Set:  07.06.19;  Due:  Ongoing until lines learned off-by-heart)

Mrs. Cooper

CGP Science Revision                                      

(Set:  04.06.19;   Due:  11.06.19)