Y6 - Friday 8th March 2019 - Looking Back and Forth

Y6 - Friday 8th March 2019 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6

Looking back:

This week has seen us very busy in Year 6 for quite a number of different reasons.  In preparation for both parents’ evenings and for the upcoming tests, we have completed a full set of practice papers so that the class is aware of how the week will run – and to find out what we still need to focus on in our last few weeks.  They have also continued their look at pre-historical Britain, as well as continuing with their hat research and discovery lessons.  We also enjoyed sharing the artwork with families on Tuesday and really enjoyed a good book – and a book quiz – on Thursday.  A real mixture of lessons and other curricular activities.

We also had a class discussion on how the pupils are feeling about the upcoming tests with most of the class feeling OK – which is great.  The thoughts that they were asking about are listed below with suggested solutions to help secure your child’s knowledge and preparation:

  1. Knowing all the grammatical terms – I have created a “Revision and Support” tab on the year 6 class page.  Here, you can find A4 downloadable revision mini-posters.  I have suggested that these are downloaded and either screen-shot onto tablets, or – better still – printed out and popped onto walls for instantly available aide-memoirs.  They are in PowerPoint so may not always download ‘in proportion’ onto tablets.  They are also in colour, so you may be mindful if printing them.
  2. Timing of the tests – getting the papers finished.  We have worked on informing the class of how far they are into papers and how long they have left.
  3. Completing the reading papers in time.  I have sent home a previous SATs paper called “Caves and Caving in Davely Dale”.  The purpose is to aim for a maximum of 10 minutes to read the entire paper and to have a good understanding of this when they have finished.  Please could these papers be returned to school by Friday 15th March.  Thank you.
  4. Mrs. Timmins will also be holding mini-master class session at lunchtime on Monday to Friday for a quick recap of skills and knowledge.  These will be chosen by the children, are voluntary in terms of attendance and are just another little way to support the class.

We hope that these will be of use to help your child be as prepared as they can be.

Letters issued Y6:

Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Tuesday’s after school maths club with Miss Atkins
  • Wednesday’s PE lesson
  • World Book Day
  • D&T Hat project with Mrs. Benson
  • Buddies

Family discussion questions:

  • Grammar Focus: What are pronouns?  When are they used?  What different types of pronoun are there (see downloadable revision poster).

Looking forward:

  1. Next week, we shall be continuing with our work on Timothy Winters, looking at creating scenes and developing characters; our study of historical Britain will continue as will our knowledge of hats.  We look forward to discussing your child’s progress with you at the following:
  2. Tuesday 12th March: Parents’ Evening
  3. Thursday 14th March: Parents’ Evening

Homework in Year 6

Mrs. Timmins:           

CGP Revision Books: Spelling and Number, Ratio & Algebra

Spellings: Root Words and Derivations

Reading: Aim to read – and comprehend – the SATs booklet “Caves and Caving in Davely Dale”

(Set:  08.03.19;  Due:   15.03.19)

Mrs. Cooper:                                      

CGP Revision Book: Science

(Set:  05.03.19;   Due:  12.03.19)

Miss Atkins:   

Maths Arithmetic Sheet          

(Set:  12.03.19;  Due:  14.03.19)