Year 1 we 12th May
Hi All,
In English we will be continuing on our topic on stories and poems with repeating patterns. The children are currently editing and rewriting their counting poems and will begin the work on the story ‘The talking papaya’ later in the week.
In maths this week, the children will be exploring number sequences. We will be revisiting odd and even numbers as well.
In the afternoons the children will be working on their seed diaries. If you have a chance please have a peep at the display of self-portraits that the children did – they’re fantastic!
Our highlights of the week:
- Being in the sunshine
- Playing with older children on the field at lunchtime
- Drawing myself in a portrait
- Mapping our walk
- Making frames for our portraits
- Doubling in maths
- Show and tell
- Everything!
PE kits needed this week with names on the labels
Maths and handwriting homework sheets for Friday.
Don’t forget the reading challenge – so far we have had lots of children taking the challenge. Remember it has to be 14 days consecutive reading at home.
If you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
The Year 1 team