Year 1 we 20th April
Hi All,
In English time this week, we will be continuing with our work on the talking papaya. The children are in the process of writing this story. Later in the week the children will be creating their own version of this story.
If you would like ideas of how to support your child’s learning - ask your child if they can recall the story, this will be an excellent opportunity to develop their oral story skills. The Papaya story and the new one they will develop later in the week.
In maths we will be working on place value with numbers to 100. We have looked this week at partitioning 2 digit numbers into tens and ones.
If you would like to support your child’s learning with this – give them a 2 digit number and ask them – how many tens are there? How many ones are there?
In the afternoons the children will be looking at Judaism in R.E.
They will be comparing Goostrey village with the village in Iran where Mr Hodaei came from. The children will be working on creating their own portraits in art. In science the children will be exploring the world of plants.
Highlights of the week
- Making birds nest out of grass
- Reading the story ‘The House that Jack built’ in assembly
- The Papaya story
- Going on the field and playing with my friends
- Writing my papaya story
Grandparents’ World Of Wonder – Thursday 24th May (in the afternoon)
Friday 27th April Y1 Cake Sale and PTA Bingo
Holiday dates for 17 / 18 and 18/19 are on the website under INFORMATION FOR PARENTS
PE kits needed this week with names on the labels (don’t forget to check the pumps still fit!).
If you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
The Year 1 team
Mrs Cowell Challenge
Which country do papayas come from?
Can you name a country where bananas grow?