Year 1 we 27th April
Hi All,
In English time this week we will be continuing with our work on stories with repeating patterns. This week the children are going to create their own stories. We have stories like the talking bananas and talking apples forming in our brains!! If you would like ideas of how to support your child’s learning – ask your child about their own story plan. Can they tell you the main character and who this characters meets along their travels. Also what strange unsettling things speak to them and set them off – AAAAAaaargh!!
In maths we will be continuing our work on place value with numbers to 100. We have started counting in 5’s (we call them cat numbers – the action is like ‘a cat marking time’. - If you would like to support your child’s learning with this – rehearse counting in 5s with them, maybe bouncing on a trampoline or jumping (jut to make it more active) Or write the sequence together and ask the children if they can see any patterns?
In the afternoons the children will be looking at Judaism in R.E. on Monday. The children will be continuing to work on creating their own portraits in art. In science the children will be exploring the world of plants.
Highlights of the week
- Playing on the astro
- Computer maths with Louis
- Creative table colouring
- Show and tell
- Assemblies
- Making up my own story about an the apple that spoke!
- Going into the woods
- Art work – creating my Summer, Winter, Autumn, Spring pictures
- Saying the Papaya story with the actions
- Spending time with the teachers
- Playing outside
- My banana story
- Golden time!!!
Village Walk – Tuesday – we need the permission slips asap.
Grandparents’ World Of Wonder – Thursday 24th May (in the afternoon)
May Tuesday 8th May Year 4 residential to York for one night
Tuesday 22nd May Goostrey’s Got Talent Years 3 and 4
Friday 25th May school closes for May Half Term
Tuesday 5th June pupils return.
June Thursday 7th June whole class photos
Friday 8th PTA Film Night
Tuesday 12th PTA meeting 7.30 The Crown
Wednesday 13th and Thursday 21st Y6 days at HCCS
14th and 15th PTA Father’s Day shops
Friday 22nd Year 6 residential for three nights.
Thursday 5th Sports Day (reserve 19th)
Friday 6th July Evening
Sunday 15th PTA Family Fun Day
Tuesday 24th Leavers’ Assembly 2pm and school finishes for the summer holidays. Pupils return on Wednesday 5th September.
Holiday dates for 17 / 18 and 18/19 are on the website under INFORMATION FOR PARENTS
PE kits needed this week with names on the labels (don’t forget to check the pumps still fit!).
If you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
The Year 1 team
Mrs Cowell Challenge
What do you notice about the ones (units) when you count in 5s?